Permissions Explained

Permissions Explained: Location Uses the last known location to retrieve the current weather conditions at that location. Network Access Retriving weather conditions at your current location. Rertiving places information in auto-complete Static Location configuration. Run at Start-up The application starts automatically when you restart your device to make sure your Read more…


HOW TO ACCESS SETTINGS: All Watch Faces are accessible via Android Wear Application on your phone. Please try to open this app and check if the Watch Face is there. This is this app: You will find a 3 last used faces icons and a button MORE, please click Read more…

Privacy Policy

Data Security responsible: Academy eXtreme (Marcin Stępień) According to the current law and possibilities given by Academy eXtreme – you have right to remove, modify or check the data related to your service. In case of any data insight or modification request please send your inquiry to: Privacy Policy Read more…